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Single Parent Alliance & Resource Center (SPARC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Gwinnett County, Georgia. SPARC’s mission is to empower and equip single parents with the necessary tools, resources and support to enable them to create a healthy home environment and nurture their children into productive and successful adults. It is SPARC’s Vision that single parents will be empowered and equipped to take their place among society’s most successful families!


Is it the joy of watching your children grow?

The stress of making ends meet?

The hope of a happy future?

Loneliness and uncertainty?

The never-ending search for time and energy to do

everything that must be done in a single day, by one person?

The nagging fear that in spite of what they say, your best just might not be good enough?



Single parenthood is all of that and more.

SPARC Mission

SPARC’s mission is to empower and equip single parents with the necessary tools, resources and support to enable them to create a healthy home environment and nurture their children into productive and successful adults.

SPARC Vision

It is SPARC’s Vision that single parents will be empowered and equipped to take their place among society’s most successful families!

SPARC Values

  • Single parents who are willing to take the extra steps necessary to ensure their children receive what they need.

  • Communities that value single parent families, recognize their special needs and are committed to ensuring that those needs are met.

  • Individuals who are willing to volunteer to stand in the gap and help fill the void left by a missing parent.

Copyright All Rights Reserved 2023

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